Chat GPT, how can help recruitment?

Arianna Adamo
March 2 2023


Technology has made our lives easier and more efficient, providing us with new tools to help us stay organized, connected with friends and family, and informed about current events. It has also changed the way we shop, travel, and even how we interact with each other.

On of the last artificial intelligence (AI) is Chat GPT, chatbot system which uses a deep learning-based natural language processing model to generate human-like conversations. Basically we can ask any questions and Chat GPT will try to responde in a contextual and meaningful way.

Interestingly, Chat GPT can’t access the internet or any information out of its own database. Instead of scouring the net, it generates its replies based on the data it has been trained on from various sources, including books, news articles, and websites.


Sounds like the end of Google?


Not really. Google's standard search algorithms are based on keyword matching and do not take context into account. Chat GPT is simply a tool that is designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of search engine results. In other words, it can help Google by offering more accurate and personalized results to its users.

The major advantage of chat GPT is that it enables quick and accurate responses to complex queries. This technology has been leveraged by businesses and government agencies to create conversational AI assistants that can handle customer inquiries and provide helpful information. Additionally, chat GPT also enables organizations to generate accurate natural language content quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources. Further, since GPT models are pre-trained on large datasets, they are able to detect nuances and nuances in language in order to provide better answers. This reduces the need for manual intervention and allows users to receive accurate and helpful responses faster.


How chat GPT can help recruiters?


Recruiters in 2023 will likely continue to use virtual job fairs, social media, video interviews, and automated recruitment software that can recommend candidates based on their skills and qualifications.

However, there may be a shift toward a more personalized approach where recruiters are able to build relationships with potential applicants, as this could prove very beneficial in a completely virtual environment. Additionally, recruiters may turn to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to help them with their recruiting efforts, such as using AI to search online databases for relevant resumes and analyse data from job postings to find the best possible match.

Chatbot GPT can help recruiters find and source the right job candidates faster and easier. By automating time-consuming tasks such as creating job descriptions, sending out invitations to interviews, sorting through applications, and setting up interview appointments, chatbot GPTs can save recruiters valuable time that can now be spent on more important tasks such as engaging with candidates, building relationships, and nurturing potential hires.

Furthermore, chatbot GPTs can also be used to screen potential candidates, conduct preliminary interviews, and ask tailored questions in order to ensure that recruiters are only speaking with truly qualified candidates.


Read the article in which Edward Coram James, CEO, Go Up, discusses the rise of Chat GPT, and weighs up whether this could be the end of Google.


Google killer: will ChatGPT gain dominance over the search engine giant?