Careers Evening with local School

Yvonne Moffat
January 15 2018

In the past, we have had students come to Net Talent to complete their work placement, and decided that we would go to their Careers Evening this year to educate them on a Career in Recruitment.

Lots of students have an idea of the type of degree they'd like and University they want to go to, but no idea what career that could evolve after they graduate.  It was a very worthwhile evening with lots of students excited about their future and to learn more about our Industry rather than falling into recruitment which most of have done.

We take on a number of Graduates and train them in our industry and have many success stories that we can share.  One of which is our very own Darren Dalrymple who is now an Associate Director and he has been with us for only 5 years. He came to us after he graduated as “someone had mentioned that he would enjoy recruitment”.  He not only enjoys it, he is a brilliant recruiter and he works closely with a number of graduates who come to us to learn about our industry.

Henry, Yvonne and Darren

Recruitment is certainly a very exciting career and very rewarding as you have an opportunity to change a person’s life in some cases with the most incredible careers.

I am very proud of our company, and it’s very important to continue to invest in our staff -not only in training, but to listen to their plans, goals and ambitions, providing support and ongoing development to ensure they achieve their aspirations.

If you would like to know more about a career in Recruitment with Net Talent please give us a call on 0845 270 9010 or check out our career page for more information.