Disability inclusion in the workplace: advantages for businesses

Arianna Adamo
October 31 2023



Let’s talk about disability.


Despite making up a significant proportion of the population, there is still acute underrepresentation of individuals with disabilities in the workplace – meaning that businesses are missing out on both talent and economic potential.


The UK government recently declined to attend a UN review of its treatment of disabled people, leaving a lot of people very disappointed.


Katy Talikowska, CEO of the Valuable 500, urges businesses to lead the way with disability inclusion, despite government stalling: “Discrimination against people with disabilities is a woefully familiar narrative, and yet it is clear that there is still much work to be done”.


An estimated 16% of the world’s population (1.3 billion people) live with some form of disability, out of which at least 450 million of them are of working age.


In the UK alone, nearly 16 million people (about the population of New York) are disabled, accounting for almost 24% of the population.


Embracing disability inclusion in the workplace not only aligns with ethical principles but also has significant strategic and financial advantages for businesses.


Here are some key points to consider regarding the benefits of disability inclusion and ways to address barriers within the business context:


1) Unlocking Untapped Talent: By prioritizing disability inclusion, companies gain access to a diverse talent pool that often brings unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to the workforce. This can lead to a richer and more innovative work environment.


2) Economic Growth: Disability inclusion can drive economic growth by maximizing the potential of employees with disabilities. When these individuals are empowered and accommodated, they can contribute to the company's success, productivity, and profitability.


3) Innovation and Creativity: A diverse workforce, including individuals with disabilities, can foster creativity and innovation. Different backgrounds and experiences can lead to fresh ideas and problem-solving approaches.


To remove the barriers to disability inclusion in business, focus on the following key areas:


  • Leadership and Representation: Increase the representation of people with disabilities in leadership positions (C-Suite). This not only sets a positive example but also ensures that decisions related to disability inclusion are made at the highest levels of the organization.


  • Standardized Reporting: Establish standardized reporting on disability data within the organization. Collect and analyze data on the recruitment, retention, and advancement of employees with disabilities. This data can help identify areas for improvement and track progress.


  • Inclusive Communications: Ensure that communications, advertising, and collateral reflect the diversity of the workforce, including individuals with disabilities. Promote a culture of inclusion and representation in all internal and external communications.


  • Cultural Change: Building a disability-inclusive culture must start at the top, with the leadership team setting the tone for the organization. This involves not only policies and practices but also fostering a mindset of inclusivity and equal opportunities for all employees.


  • Education and Training: Offer training and education programs to create awareness about disability inclusion and to provide the necessary tools and knowledge for employees to support their colleagues with disabilities.


  • Accommodations and Accessibility: Ensure that the workplace and digital platforms are accessible to all, accommodating the needs of employees with disabilities. This can include physical accommodations and the use of assistive technologies.


  • Community Engagement: Engage with organizations and communities that focus on disability inclusion. Collaborating with external partners can provide valuable insights and resources for promoting inclusion.


  • Regular Evaluation: Continuously assess the effectiveness of disability inclusion initiatives. Seek feedback from employees, monitor progress, and make adjustments as needed.