Report: AI investment has increased 48% since 2021

Arianna Adamo
December 5 2023


Despite nearly half of senior decision-makers having reservations about AI, adoption has grown 21% year-on-year to 48% amongst UK organisations, according to Daemon, a UK digital transformation consultancy. Daemon employed market research agency Vanson Bourne to interview 150 senior business decision-makers as part of a market study into the ever-evolving digital transformation landscape.


The results of the survey show that, contrary to traditional technology investments that normally require extensive evidence on the return on investment (ROI) and procurement processes, AI investment has increased 48% since 2021, so businesses do not fall behind competitors.


The research results show that 99% of organisations are looking to use AI or ML to seize new opportunities. Almost all organisations (98%) have some vision for the use of AI, and many are already working on using AI to support analytics (60%), automation (51%) and personalisation (40%).


Additionally, organisations are planning to implement AI to support with other business capabilities in less than six months including chatbots (32%), and real-time optimisation (40%).



Some key trends and factors related to AI investment include:


1) Industry Adoption:

Many industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology, were actively investing in AI solutions to enhance operational efficiency, improve decision-making processes, and drive innovation.


2) Venture Capital and Startups:

AI startups continued to attract substantial funding from venture capital firms. Investors recognized the potential for disruptive technologies and solutions emerging from the AI startup ecosystem.


3) Strategic Investments by Tech Giants:

Large technology companies were making strategic acquisitions and investments in AI startups to strengthen their product portfolios and remain competitive in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.


4) AI in Healthcare:

The healthcare industry, in particular, was witnessing increased investment in AI applications for diagnostics, personalized medicine, and healthcare management.


5) AI in Finance:

Financial institutions were investing in AI to improve fraud detection, risk management, customer service, and algorithmic trading.


6) AI in Autonomous Vehicles:

Companies involved in autonomous vehicles and transportation were allocating significant resources to AI technologies for developing advanced driver-assistance systems and self-driving capabilities.


7) AI for Cybersecurity:

The use of AI in cybersecurity to detect and respond to cyber threats was a growing area of investment as organizations sought advanced solutions to protect their digital assets.


8) AI for Customer Engagement:

Businesses were exploring AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and personalized recommendation systems to enhance customer engagement and user experience.


9) AI in Manufacturing:

The manufacturing sector was investing in AI-driven technologies to optimize production processes, predictive maintenance, and quality control.


10) Government Initiatives:

Some governments were investing in AI research and development, recognizing the strategic importance of artificial intelligence for economic growth and competitiveness.


11) AI for Sustainability:

There was a growing interest in using AI to address environmental and sustainability challenges, such as optimizing energy consumption and improving resource efficiency.