The Top 5 Workplace Trends For 2024

Arianna Adamo
January 25 2024


The economic uncertainty and rapid technological advances presented in the year 2023, emphasizing the need for organizations to balance a return to basics with a forward-thinking mindset. It suggests focusing on foundational elements such as leadership development and a culture of learning and development while staying attuned to trends that can drive businesses forward, such as AI.


2023 taught us valuable lessons: we are ready to take on 2024 with a renewed spirit. In the workplace, it’s time for a dual approach: reinforcing our foundations while embracing futuristic trends. This isn’t just about keeping up; it’s about leading the charge and turning challenges into opportunities.


Social Talent shared five most important workplace trends for 2024:


1 - The AI Surge


The rise of AI in business is an inevitable and transformative force that cannot be ignored. McKinsey research suggests that by 2030, up to 70% of business activities could be automated by AI.  It's important for organizations to not only acknowledge this shift but also stay ahead of the curve when it comes to leveraging generative AI.


Despite the clear consensus among leaders that their organizations should be utilizing generative AI, there remains a significant gap between intention and action. Only 40% of leaders are actually implementing AI in their day-to-day operations. This disparity underscores the need for a more proactive approach to embracing this technology, as well as a greater willingness to adapt to the evolving landscape of AI.


While the potential of AI is indeed vast, it's also essential for organizations to manage the anxieties and uncertainties that come with it. The pressure to incorporate AI, the rapidly evolving nature of the technology, and the unknown implications all contribute to the hesitancy we see in adoption rates. However, by embracing these challenges and seeking out the right expertise, organizations can position themselves to harness the true potential of generative AI.



2 - Leaders Need to Level-Up


In today’s hybrid work environment, leaders need to be able to adapt, engage with their teams, and drive success. However, recent research has found that leadership training is being overlooked, with a significant portion of managers and leaders lacking the development learning they need to thrive in this new era.


According to Coursera’s Job Skills Report for 2024, "people management skills" have become a top priority in the face of ongoing economic uncertainty and rapid change. It’s clear that organizations need to prioritize leadership development to ensure their leaders are equipped to navigate this challenging environment, fostering engagement and innovation within their teams. It's time to invest in our leaders and provide them with the tools and support they need to succeed.



3 - DEI in Danger


During the pandemic, it was all about remote work and empathy, during The Great Resignation retention and engagement became the hot topic, and right now AI is dominating headlines. But the problem with this approach is that when something isn’t actual it falls out of favour.

Organizations stood up and took notice, understanding that promoting DEI (Diversity, equity and inclusion) was the right thing to do. But a few years on and it seems that this impetus is losing steam. According to a Lattice report, DEI programs have dropped on the priority list, falling from 30% in 2022 to a mere 17% in 2023.

Coupled with tough economic headwinds, DEI’s momentum could be crippled even further – but we believe this is a huge mistake. 2024 needs to re-embed DEI into the conversation. While it’s disheartening to have to keep banging this drum, in an environment where skills are in worrying supply, innovation is a key marker of success, and talent is demanding equity, DEI is the answer.



4 -  Lifelong Learning


In the past, the concept of ‘one-and-done’ learning was prevalent. Employees would receive education and training early in their careers, with the assumption that this would suffice for their entire professional journey. However, as we step into 2024, this approach is not only outdated but also detrimental to both individual and organizational success.

The pace of change in technology, market dynamics, and global connectivity has rendered static learning ineffective. Instead, embracing a culture of continuous learning has become a non-negotiable attribute of the best workplaces.

Given that the shelf life of skills is shorter than ever, the ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn is the new currency in the job market. Continuous learning encourages curiosity, experimentation, and the willingness to challenge the status quo.



5 -  Future Skills


The right skillset is going to become the single greatest factor when it comes to business success in 2024 and beyond. As HBR states: “advances in technology are changing the demand for skills at an accelerated pace.” While certain hard skills are always going to be essential, soft skills are becoming increasingly critical.


  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Resilience, flexibility, and agility
  • Learning mentality
  • Leadership
  • Empathy


Employees who excel in these areas are tailor-made to thrive in this evolving workplace, particularly with the advent of AI. However, in order to find and leverage these skills in a sustainable manner, it will necessitate a mindset shift from organizations.