We're working with Career Ready UK, helping young people prepare for employment

Jane Gibb
April 15 2019

Career Ready is a UK wide charity which helps connect schools and business together, helping young people prepare for the world of work. They specialise in supporting young people who lack the opportunities, networks, and social capital to reach their potential. 

At Net Talent, we’re proud to be an official mentor as part of the Career Ready programme, and will be providing a young person with a paid 4 week internship this summer, providing them with knowledge and support to allow them to make informed decisions about their future – transitioning from education to rewarding employment.


This is the first year Net Talent have been part of the programme and we’re proud to have our Principle Consultant Henry, provide support and advice to a young person via Career Ready from Balerno High School.  

Henry will be tasked with working closely with our intern over two years during S5 and S6 to help build up confidence, awareness, and readiness for the big outside world. In addition, during the paid summer internship, our intern will conduct mock interviews – which we help prepare him for and get him used to talking through his experience, followed by spending 4 weeks working alongside us in the office.

During this time he’ll get to experience life in recruitment, and we have all sorts to keep him busy. He’ll make a real contribution to the business, helping with market research, data gathering, CV reviewing and accompanying Henry to meetings. He’ll get to meet all the team and become a valued member during his time here.


Research shows that four weeks, or 140 hours, is the minimum time needed for a young person to fully experience and benefit from the world of work. Evidence from Career Ready students, schools, and employers shows how their paid internships boost work readiness and make young people more aware of the different career & education pathways available to them. 


A huge variety of organisations are taking part in this worthwhile programme– from Edinburgh Council, to Standard Life, and of course Net Talent.

It’s a very exciting opportunity to give back to the community and help support students in the local area as they make the transition from school to the world of work.