Meet the team! Our Career Ready intern, Reece

Jane Gibb
July 3 2019

Meet Reece, our intern we’re currently working with as part of the Career Ready Programme!

We’re passionate about helping people get into work, and the Career Ready mentor programme has given us a unique opportunity to work with Reece who is an S5 pupil at Balerno high school.

The programme focuses on preparing young people for employment, and we’re delighted to offer Reece a paid 4 week internship. His mentor, Henry, has been providing Reece with knowledge and offer support to allow him to make an informed decision about his future – transitioning from education to rewarding employment.

Reed more about our involvement with the programme here.


As Reece is part of our team, we asked him a few questions about life so far at Net Talent.


Hi Reece! Thanks for taking the time out to chat. Now that you’re well into your second week with us, can you describe what your day is like at Net Talent?

Sure! My day starts with a nice greeting from my mentor Henry. Once we have talked through what’s going to happen in that day, I start working and if I ever don’t understand something, I don’t hesitate to ask anyone in the office for help. Everyone in the office is extremely hard working but can also have a laugh at the same time and that’s what makes my experience at Net Talent enjoyable.


What have you learned so far?

At Net Talent I have taken in a lot of new skills in the two weeks that I have been at the company. I have learned how to use the company database and how to search for potentially new candidates for a job. In the emails that I write out to new candidates and clients, I feel like I have a more personable tone in the way I present myself. I have increased my knowledge on what is going on in the tech world and also know a lot more about how IT Recruitment actually works. I am also working on how to improve my Curriculum Vitae to make it more attractive and I’m also refining how I present myself in an interview.


What is the best thing about the Career Ready mentor programme?

Career Ready is a fantastic programme for students that might not yet have an idea of what job they want to pursue when they are older. This programme gives students a better idea of what sector of work they want to go into and hopefully plans their lives out further along the line. 


What would you like to be doing in 5 years?

Net Talent has opened my eyes and gave me a much better idea of what kind of career path I want to take In 5 years’ time. I would want to do something business related and hopefully work with something recruitment related but also a job that lets me get out the office rather staying in all day.


What’s an accomplishment you’re most proud of?

I have achieved a lot of small but effective things here but one of the main things I like making an impact on is finding new candidates for the company and potentially helping progress them through the recruitment process and even making it through to having an interview.

I have been working hard to do this and have been getting positive feedback and results from my searches. This just makes me even more motivated than I already am to find new people. This is all down to everyone in the office making me feel at home and giving me a chance to try things that are maybe outside of my comfort zone.


Thanks Reece!