Scottish tech sector shows "opportunity for growth" despite pandemic

Jane Gibb
May 13 2020

Every year, the Scottish Technology Industry Survey is conducted by ScotlandIS, a representative for Scotland’s digital technology industry, covering software, telecommunications, IT and digital media business. The survey collects market information from their members and partners, ranging from global companies and internationally recognised exporters to very small start-ups.

Although the majority of the information in this report is based on the responses gathered before the COVID-19 crisis, a follow up survey was carried out at the beginning of April 2020. Within the survey, it is encouraging to read that nearly three quarters of respondents expect their staff numbers to remain the same or increase until the end of the year, during the Coronavirus pandemic. In particular, companies selling products or services that are in high demand during the crisis such as remote working solutions, connectivity or health tech are currently experiencing exponential growth.

The results of the Technology Industry Survey showed that the industry was in good shape before the COVID-19 crisis started. Since the EU referendum, it’s reported that a considerable percentage of respondents were concerned about the impact of political uncertainty and decisions on their business. However, neither the survey nor the statistics suggest that the Brexit vote and its consequences have led to a significant downturn in growth. This is subject to change, but the technology sector has so far proved to be resilient.

Resilience is one of the key factors we should remain optimistic about Scotland’s digital technologies industry according to ScotlandIS. The industry is in a good position to weather the current crisis and the sector is well placed to continue to operate with all or a large proportion of staff working from home. With home working likely to become a more permanent option for some employers, at least for a few days per month or week, sustained demand for home working solutions should continue.


Read the full report here.