
Your career. Our purpose

We’re a candidate-led recruitment business. That means we actually care about your career – we’re interested in who you are, how you think and what you’re aiming for in life. We won’t pester you every time we have a vacancy and we’ll never put you forward for a job that’s anything less than perfect for you. We’re ready to offer a word of advice or an expert opinion, and we’ll listen to what you have to say. And we’re always honest with you, which is rarer than it should be.

We don’t work this way just because we’re a nice bunch (though we are). It’s because we know that the more successful you are, the more successful we are. With our team behind you, we know you can go far.



What happens next:

  • Talk: We know that you’re much more than the sum of your qualifications and experience. So we look beyond the CV and we take the time to get to know you. No probing interrogation, no psychometric examinations – just a chat about your career, your abilities and your ambitions.
  • Options: We’ll take you through your next steps. It might be an opportunity that’s available today. It might be something on the horizon. Or it could be a specific company where we think you’ll fit right in. What we won’t do is push you into the first job going. We don’t mind taking the long view, if that’s what it takes.
  • Standing out: Getting you into the right role with the right employer is all about making sure you’re right for them. It starts with the basics, like a good CV and cover note. But we’ll also make sure you have everything else in place – from social profiles to professional references.

  • Preparation: Whether your last interview was three weeks or thirteen years ago, we’ll make sure you're equipped for the next one. We’ll give you the complete run-down on the role, the company, the questions they might ask and the tests you might face.
  • Decisions: Dealing with offers isn’t just about giving the nod. We’ll help you weigh up your options and, once you’ve made the decision, we’ll be there with any advice you need about handing in your notice and negotiating a contract.
  • Lasting support: It doesn’t end when you begin your new role. We’ll stay in touch to see how you’re getting on – and we’ll be there in the years ahead if you ever decide to take a new step in your career.

At every step, you’ll find our team approachable, supportive and efficient. In other words, you’ve never worked with recruiters like us. But that’s easy for us to say – if you want to know what it’s really like to work with us, see what professionals like you say.